Questions, questions, and more questions!
Recently, I attended a camp called Anvika conducted by the IIST, Thiruvananthapuram for students from across the country. We had a very interesting class there - where we spent an entire 2 hours trying to find as many questions based on an experiment he showed us as we could. While the experiment in itself wasn't too interesting (in my opinion, atleast), this thought of asking questions sparked within me and I had a couple of very interesting questions over the camp which I tried answering along with some of my friends there. On one of the nights, we saw a satellite in the sky one night, and it was moving quite fast. In fact, it seemed to practically cover a third of the visible sky in about a minute. The following thought came to my mind: if the satellite covers the entire sky in about 3 minutes, does it mean that it completes a revolution around the Earth in just 6 minutes?! Even accounting for errors, this would mean that the satellite covers a revolution of the ...